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Interactive Family storytelling performance

& professional development workshops 

Locations: Brisbane & Regional QLD

Company: State Library of QLD with support from The Brisbane Writers Festival 

Role: Co-creator/ performer and Professional Development Workshop facilitator  

The Top Secret Storytellers Clubhouse is a series of touring Storytelling Performances that have been created using a selection of carefully curated picture books from near and far. These interactive storytelling shows are designed especially for families with children under 8 years of age with an emphasis on intergenerational engagement and fun all while promoting the wonder of books, imagination and play. On arrival children and their grown ups are invited to participate in the storytelling adventure as they are enrolled as the members of the top secret storytellers clubhouse. Of course with this role there are a number of clubhouse duties that they must perform before they can get seated and take a ride inside the clubhouse for the storytelling adventures. Using various performative and storytelling techniques from puppetry, shadow play, song, dance, poetry, characters and more the storytellers engage all ages as they take everyone on a playful ride they will never forget.These works were originally performed at The State Library of Queensland as part of their family holiday programs between 2012-2015 and toured as part of the Brisbane writers festival to various locations including public libraries, community and school settings in regional QLD.  

As part of this work a number of hands on professional development workshops were developed and presented alongside the performances. These playful PD sessions where designed for educators, librarians and parents who wished to learn more about storytelling as a tool for engaging children and enhancing literacy development.    


Photos by Yan Chen



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