Mit Sted/My Place
A guided interactive tour with children & their community 2015
Location: Denmark
Company: Secret Hotel (DK) & The Walking Neighbourhood (AU)
Role: Lead Facilitating Artist
A child takes your hand.
Tells you the rules.
And leads you on a journey into their own universe.
Mit Sted/ My Place was an artistic investigation of two areas through the perspective of children. It gave adults a chance to (re-)experience an area from a child’s point of view. Mit Sted/ My Place challenged the power structures between children and adults in the situation where the children guide, and the adults follow.
Mit Sted/My Place is supported by Statens Kunstfond and Aarhus Kommune.
This project took place in Denmark in 2015 and was based on The Walking Neighbourhood project originally conceptualised by Lenine Bourke. This time the work was redeveloped with the Danish arts company 'Secret Hotel' and a group of two Australian artists who had previously facilitated versions of The Walking Neighbourhood elsewhere, two Danish artists, local children, teachers and volunteers from two diverse communities in Aarhus. The end result....A series of short site specific walks, created together with children aged 8-12, from Mols and Gellerup communities. The final performances were guided by the children with support from the facilitating artists in the two locations.
Lenine Bourke: Original concept (AU)
Verena Curr: Facilitating artist
Sue Loveday: Facilitating Artist
Helga Rosenfeldt-Olsen: Facilitating Artist
Tina Anderson: Facilitating Artist
This project engaged a number of Secret Hotel staff, in two wonderful communities with fantastic teachers and volunteers. This project would not have been possible without all of these people and of course the young people who created the work.
Images shown by Verena Curr
Video by Secret Hotel
For english subtitles click on the YOUTUBE CC - Subtitles link.